- when sending mail to user (using mail task), the TO field; can it be configured as dynamic assignee for the task from UI.
- after we publish the app, we can see there is something as create task with assignee field, after I assigned it to other user, even myself in my task column I get the task which I assigned but I am not able to perform any process, It shows only complete option.
That would need to be modeling in your process model: the to needs to be an expression ${myVariable} that references an existing variable.
Not sure if I understand what you’ve written. Can you elaborate which steps you’re doing? And share the model?
Hi Joram,
- incase of process initiator what will be the variable here?
- no basically I want to understand functionality of create task, is it only limited to manual task?
- That would be up to how you have configured it … the initiator variable is a value that you can configure
- It’s limited to what is called a ‘user task’ in BPMN - only those show up in the task list.
- ok, from UI what is the variable name, is it ${INITATOR}?
- if I go to task and create a Task for someone, so it is a kind of manual task which he can only complete, right? for an example I create a task called “Give survey on portal”, and assign it to suppose Lyan, so in Lyan Task he can see a task “Give survey on portal”, which he can only complete, right.
but in process definition we can associate a form in the task assigned to Lyan, right?