Hi, I am running an evaluation version of Flowable on OSX with the intent of looking at an existing flow, from a supplier, to see whether the idea of using Flowable works for my organisation.
It is not obvious how I can import this existing flow though. Is it possible to import an existing flow when running the evaluation version of Flowable on OSX please?
with OSX are you referring to an old Mac operating system? (pre 2016)
It depends on how the ‘existing flow’ is supplied.
If it’s the runtime variant it can be deployed using Flowable Cloud, which is also part of the trial package, on Flowable Work.
If it’s the design variant it can be imported in Flowable Design, the modeler application of Flowable. Which is available online.
If you don’t have an account yet you can sign up for free here; Model in the cloud | Flowable Platform | Free .
Here you can import Flowable models.
Thank you for following up. By “OSX” I really just meant macOS, Sonoma 14.5. I wanted to communicate that we are running Flowable locally.
I am not familiar with the distinctions between the variants of the flow types. How could I tell from the XML file which variant I have please? If there is something for me to read, please do provide a link.
To answer your question in short, processes / cases are modelled in Flowable Design. These artefacts can be shared; exported and imported in other Flowable Design instances.
To execute these processes / cases the models can be deployed on the Flowable engines by transforming them to runtime models. This can be done in several ways. For example by deploying a Flowable app (a package of several models) to Flowable Work.
I you have for example a ‘process-example.bpmn20.xml’ file that would be a runtime process model. You could for example import that in Flowable Design to view and edit the process model. And you could deploy it Flowable Work with Flowable Control.