Flowable 7.0.0.M1 - Plans for UI and Content Engine

Hi everyone!
First of all congrats on flowable, really liking the solution! I set up a few sample projects with 6.x and spring 2 and it works really nice.

Right now I am trying to set up a spring boot 3 application and want to integrate Flowable Engine and the UI. I’ve seen that 7.0.0.M1 is the first version to support spring boot 3, but it does not include the UI application and Content Engine.

Can you give us some insight of what the plans are regarding those components? Are they gonna be included in the future?
I want to have the ability to view process instances in the admin app.

Mixing 7.0.0.M1 Engine with 6.x UI does not work obviously.

Thanks in advance!

Hello community!

I encountered the same problem. My application is currently based on spring-boot 2.x and I would like to upgrade to 3.x.

The problem is that I am currently use the Modeler and the Admin App and I would need an equivalent for this if I would switch to the Flowable version 7.0.0.M1. Are the Designer and possibly Control/Inspect an alternative in the paid version and would these also be compatible with Spring Boot 3.x? Furthermore, I also use the Content Engine. I also read here that this is no longer included in version 7.0.0.M1. How is this replaceable?

Thanks in advance!

The content-engine was fairly simple with just one metadata-table with references to the process and then the file was stored on the file system. Implementing a custom solution should be pretty straight forward. I would consider storing the file as a blob btw in order to get it in to the database transaction.

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Hi all,

Thank you for feedback. Flowable 7 is indeed the first version where we support Spring Boot 3, also because it requires Java 17 as minimum and didn’t want to enforce this as part of version 6 of Flowable. When there’s a need for UI applications then the following advise can be provided:

  • For modeling you can register for a free account for the Cloud Design application here Model in the cloud | Flowable Design | Free. It’s of course also possible to get a Flowable subscription / license and use Flowable Design locally.
  • For case management we have the Flowable Work application as part of the Flowable subscription / license and you can try it out here Free Flowable Trial | cloud & self-managed
  • The subscription / license also includes Flowable Control which is the UI application to manage the Flowable engines, similar to the OSS Flowable Admin application.

The next version of the Flowable Control, Design and Work applications that will be released by the end of this year will also support Spring Boot 3 and use Flowable 7.

Hope this provides the information you are looking for.

Best regards,


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When will a designer compatible with Flowable7 be available

What if Flowable has been upgraded to 7 but there is no compatible process designer? Do not want to design on the cloud


Thanks for the response. You state the following: “The next version of the Flowable Control, Design and Work applications that will be released by the end of this year will also support Spring Boot 3 and use Flowable 7.” These are the UI applications that require the subscription, if I am understanding you correctly. If that is the case, and just to gain clarity, you are dropping support for any open source GUI for Flowable V7 engine?

There are a few BPMN editors in the market (open-bpmn, bpmn.io) that produce BPMN output which should be able to be used - especially since you no longer use the extensionElements to store form information.

As long as we package up the valid bpmn file in the bar file and deploy it to the 7.0 engine - we should be good to go?


@tijs, I’d like to hear your response to @mdg’s question:

you are dropping support for any open source GUI for Flowable V7 engine?