We have upgraded our Project to Spring Boot 3.x and Java 17 . However when we are using Flowable 6.8.0 as upgraded package - Multiple Beans are not getting initialized automatically which were working fine on flowable 6.7.
Come of the Beans like HistoryService , RepositoryService etc are not available with the above upgrade .
So wherever we are autowiring the Beans creating issue - on application startup.
I have looked to the Source Code of ProcessEngineServicesAutoConfiguration.java class . Looks like this Class is responsible for creating HistoryService , RepositoryService beans but for due to some condition its not getting invoked during Spring Boot 3 Application startup.
Please use version 7.x.x; if you need to use Spring Boot 3.x and JDK 17.
Please see Release Flowable 7.0.0.M1 release · flowable/flowable-engine · GitHub
Not all Modules are available with 7.X … some of the flowable dependencies are still 6.8 . Do you think mixing them is good idea ? - Although let me try once with 7.x in mean time
Mixing 6.8 with 7.0 modules is most definitely not a good idea.
Which modules are you missing?
All modules which I am using are already in 7.X Except this Module -
#This is still in 6.8
Also just curious to know - are we doing any updates on this module below- >
Is the latest version - [5.22.0] going to work properly with Flowable 7.x ? - I see this module was last updated long back 2016.
That modules is not needed in 7. Why are you using it?
Not sure what you are using those modules for. However, those modules do not exist in 6.8.
I am having the same issue as this thread as I am upgrading my project to Java 17 + Spring boot 3. With Flowable 6.8, i see certain beans like org.flowable.engine.ProcessEngine are not initialized. With Flowable 7, I see that certain modules that I use dont have a version 7 component yet. Some of the libraries i use are:
I prefer not to mix version 6 and 7 libraries. What would be recommended approach here? @filiphr
Hey @apoorvam6
As Tijs mentioned in the Flowable 7 release notes the form and ui modules are no longer supported.
- This release focuses on the main Flowable Engines and REST APIs for the BPMN, CMMN, DMN and event registry engines. This means that there are no UI applications, no content and form engines and the modules for Mule and some others are removed.
@WelschChristopher Thanks for update. Any recommendation for existing users of these modules? Would it cause issues if these 6.8 modules are used with other 7.x components?
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@apoorvam6 any updates on the comments ?
Hey @Sai-Monesh-C-S and @apoorvam6 Flowable 6 and Flowable 7 modules cannot be mixed because Flowable 7 requires Java 17 and Flowable 6 is Java 8.
i am using these dependency flowable-spring-boot-starter-basic and flowable-spring-boot-starter-rest with spring-boot-dependecies, which version supports springboot 3
Hey @sandeepkjl,
Flowable 6 does not support Spring Boot 3. If you want to use Spring Boot 3, then you need to use Flowable 7.