Variable Listener for variable in form

The application I am working on involves creating a form that multiple users can open and add comments to in a comment box in the form. Comments are added by typing into a text box and then clicking an “Add Comment” button to add it to a separate text box that displays all of the existing comments. I want to be able to be able to activate an email task every time that a comment is added.
I have attempted to create a variable listener in the process that handles opening the form, inputting the variable name of the final comment text box as the variable, but it has not been successful. I also attempted to create a separate variable with an “Initialize Variable” task that is set to true every time a comment is added by adding an event to the “Add Comment” button and then set back to false by another task after an email is sent, but this has not seemed to work either.

Any recommendations for how to implement this or ideas of where I may be missing something in my implementation attempts?

Hey @AnthonyS,

You are mentioning the “Initialize Variables” task. This is an enterprise feature. For this purpose I would advise using he Enterprise Forum.

In any case, from what I can see you cannot link the adding of a comment with a variable event listener. Adding a comment is also an enterprise feature and it is not linked to the case model.
