Hi Colleagues,
After executing any model, we noticed in flowable admin tool that the processDefinitionId format is not correct. It only contains the GUID string. The format should be rather like “C_MODEL_FOR_UI_TESTING:6:b48dc8e3-b5cf-11ea-bb21-42010aee01a2” containing the :: pattern. I am not sure if this is some model configuration issue only or for specific models. The model name in flowable admin appear with some technical name like “b48dc8e3-b5cf-11ea-bb21-42010aee01a2” instead of actual model name. How can we tackle this issue?
Preeti Shirur
Have you set the process key like so?
I’m getting the proper format, which is “process-key:version:guid”.
Hi Fiki574,
I have the name given for the model as below.

And in flowable admin it look like e2a1e5df-cb04-11ea-b115-42010aee01a2. which is not expected after running the model
Kindly assist.
Preeti Shirur
Hi Guys,
I am awaiting your reply, please assist.
Preeti Shirur
Seems like maybe your process key’s length is causing it to not appear or something. Try shorter key lengths. Also, once you settle for the process model name and key, you shouldn’t rename them anymore since that causes the problem you described for me as well, where the definition ID only shows the GUID.
I have the proper format on the example I gave, however in 2 other processes I have bit lengthier process key (which I also changed numerous times), and those 2 definitions have only the GUID instead of proper format.
Blue underline marks the process which has it’s key set only the first time, and is not too lengthy.
Red underlines mark the processes which have had their key changed multiple times, and the keys are a bit lengthy.

Hi Fiki574,
Thank you for your response, i tried couple of models and tried to give lengthy names and understood that if the model key crosses 25 characters then only GUID is visible in admin else full name will be visible like GUID:1:6d212bd7-cd8b-11ea-8211-42010aee01a2.
I would like to know if there is any patch or upgrade available for flowable tool to avoid this limitations for naming of model key?
Preeti Shirur
Hey everyone,
I don’t see why the technical id of the process definition format is that important. The limitation comes from the DB, the processDefinitionId column is 64 characters. Therefore if the process definition key + version + UUID is more than 64 then only the UUID is used.
This is done in:
Hi filiphr,
Can this value 64 be increased ? Since we are using UI5 as the front end and we would like to use the full name as process definition key + version + UUID instead of just UUID to display it on UI5 screen.
Preeti Shirur
Hey @preetishirur1,
This has been like this for a really long time. I doubt that this will be changed.
The processDefinitionKey
, processDefinitionVersion
and processDefinitionId
are also exposed on the process instance, so you can always get it from there as well.
Hi Filiphr,
We can’t go to process instance to read all these values because we are using flowable admin as to read all the output variables of the model execution.
Preeti Shirur
I have the proper format on the example I gave, however in 2 other processes I have bit lengthier process key (which I also changed numerous times), and those 2 definitions have only the GUID instead of proper format.
Hi Filiphr,
Is there any rest API available to read the complete processDefifnitionkey +version+UUID in both historic and runtime process instances? So that UI5 can use this rest API and reflect the complete name on UI screen.
Preeti Shirur
We can’t go to process instance to read all these values because we are using flowable admin as to read all the output variables of the model execution. teatv.ltd hellodear.in