We are trying to migrate from camunda to flow.
Camunda supports javascript code in flow sequnce.
var test=req.prod.test;
Boolean(test) == true
but the above code fails in flowable with error
org.flowable.common.engine.api.flowableexception: condition expression returns non-boolean (sequenceflowid: flow_0uqns8z)
according to what I have been able to understand, Flowable’s default expression language for sequence flow conditions is JUEL, for sequence flows it is recommended to use JUEL expressions, for example in your case instead of js use: ${req.prod.test != null && req.prod.test != ''}
${req != null } is working
${req.prod != null} returning unknown property
${req.prod != null}
returns an unknown property error because the property prod
isn’t recognized in the current expression context, bitte double-check how your process variables are initialized and ensure that req
actually contains a property named prod