Hello everyone I’m getting this error:
“condition expression returns non-Boolean: isSomething==0 (java.lang.String)”
My bpmn is like this:
<process id="process" name="Process" isExecutable="true">
<dataObject id="isSomething" name="Something" itemSubjectRef="xsd:int"/>
<serviceTask id="serviceTask" name="Service Task" flowable:delegateExpression="${jd_myBean}"/>
<sequenceFlow id="flow0" sourceRef="serviceTask" targetRef="gw4">
<exclusiveGateway id="gw4"/>
<sequenceFlow id="flow1" sourceRef="gw4" targetRef="endGood">
<conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression"><![CDATA[${isSomething==0}]]>
<sequenceFlow id="flow2" sourceRef="gw4" targetRef="endBad">
<conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression"><![CDATA[${isSomething==1}]]>
<endEventid id ="endGood" />
<endEventid id ="endBad" />
On my bean I’m doing only this:
I can’t understand why I’m getting this error . and when debugging I have this

Can anyone help me.
Are you sure that you pasted proper bpmn ?
I can’t see start element so you I expect FlowableException: No start element found for process … exception rather than yours.
Which version of the Flowable do you use?
Try to debug your process execution. Set breakpoint in UelExpressionCondition class.
So if it is only example I think that you have typo in you target process.
It looks like you forgot about ${} and it’s the reason that you’re getting:
condition expression returns non-Boolean: isSomething==0 (java.lang.String)
Check your sequence flow conditions.
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I verified and I have the ${} on my sequence flows like in example.
The problem was in a sub process that use the same variable and doesn’t has the ${}. Thank you rgorzkowski for your time.
Hi hugomar,
actually i also facing the same issue in some process and i am providing a typo ${} then also i am getting
org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableException: condition expression returns non-Boolean (sequenceFlowId: SequenceFlow_1tstpxv): false (java.lang.String) at org.flowable.engine.impl.el.UelExpressionCondition.evaluate(UelExpressionCondition.java:43) ~[flowable-engine-6.4.1.jar:6.4.1] at
this error
if some solution you found please share with me.
thanks in advance,
Hello @tiru.sadul
did you verify if in all of your condition you have ${xptoVar} or xptoVar is a boolean expession?
hi @hugomar
yes i verified and that xptoVar is boolean
But some process are not throwing this exception some are throwing the non-boolean exception
whichever process is throwing an exception i have cross checked is there any change i did but it is same only
so can you guide me to remove that exception
I have similar problem with condition ${loopVal} > 0 causes
Unhandled exception org.flowable.engine.common.api.FlowableException: condition expression returns non-Boolean: 2.0 > 0 (java.lang.String)
I have tried also Number() to get number but it causes condition expression returns non-Boolean: Number(2.0) > 0 (java.lang.String)
What can I do to avoid this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Found that right expression is
{loopVal > 0}** not **{loopVal}