How to make skip ServiceTask use skip expression


I made skipExpression but use in servise task delegateExpresion.
When I start process set:
Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<>();
variables.put(“ignore”, “true”);

In the implementation of the process:

    <serviceTask id="updateStatusAgreementSigned_9" name="Call UpdateStatus with param status agreement signed - 9" flowable:delegateExpression="${callUpdateStatus}"
            skipExpression="${ignore == 'true'}" flowable:async="true">
            <flowable:field name="status" stringValue="9" />
            <flowable:executionListener event="start" class="*****"/>
            <flowable:executionListener event="end" class="****"/>

When I i create process instance and callUpdateStatus throw error the service task was retry.
How to do, depending on value ignore made end serviceTask or retrying this service task.
Is it possible ?

Best regards