Docker image Of Flowable tossing errors

We need to get this stood up on a Pivotal Cloud environment and seen Docker as an option. We pulled down the image and this error occurs. Can we get some assistance in this deployment?

2018-01-09T02:25:36.07-0500 [CELL/0] OUT Starting health monitoring of container
2018-01-09T02:25:36.27-0500 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] ERR at org.apache.tomcat.maven.runner.Tomcat7Runner.extract(Tomcat7R
2018-01-09T02:25:36.27-0500 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] ERR at
2018-01-09T02:25:36.27-0500 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] ERR at org.apache.tomcat.maven.runner.Tomcat7RunnerCli.main(Tomcat7R


Could you provide some more info? F.e. what image are you trying to run?
And with what configuration?



We are trying to get the FlowabIe-IDM image tagged latest

The command that is being used: cf push Flowable-idm --docker-image flowable/flowable-idm:latest --docker-usernname *****

I do not know all the configuration settings but I do believe are using a private instance of Pivotal / Cloud Foundary on Comcast servers. We choose your process engine over Activiti after evaluating it on Local over the H2 database.

Or is there a version supported by for Spring Boot?

We could really use the help getting this docker image stood up…Or have a Spring Boot version of it. We liked the product and found the wars useful but now wish to stand this up on the cloud.


Flowable IDM is a identity management component which is used by the Flowable UI apps (Flowable Modeler, Flowable Task etc). Using only Flowable IDM, without the UI apps, is probably not what you’re after.
Are you trying to get the Flowable UI apps up and running?

If you are ‘just’ interested in the engine and the REST APIs then the flowable/flowable-rest image is the image that you should use.

Regarding Spring Boot. We have several Spring Boot starters and some examples available in our repository.

And in the docs;

Regarding the error. This does not ring a bell. I’m not that familiar with the Pivitol Cloud platform to be honest. I’ll need to have some more info (used configuration / error logs) in order to help with this.



The IDM is just the start, we plan to use all of it.

I might be able to get the error logs…Give me a bit.

What our CF admins are saying , they want us to try using the .war files instead of Docker so I am going to try that. I know one of our devs was having issues getting the wars to build the databases on our local boxes to our SQL Server…I may create another post about that subject later.