Custom docker image for admin-app

Could you recommend the appropriate way to create custom Docker image with flowable-admin and flowable-idm inside please. For now I create multi-module gradle project and put 2 jars inside docker. Is it good solution or maybe sth better exists? There are 2 problem with this solution: different ports and I have much copy-paste from flowable-repo, because I need to create flowable-admin artifact from 3 flowable-ui-admin-logic, flowable-ui-admin-rest and flowable-ui-admin-conf.


You could add the Spring Boot apps and start them both using different ports.
Or you could follow the same approach as the Flowable all-in-one image; deploy 2 WARs on a Tomcat instance.
Look here for some inspiration;



Thanks, I’ll try tomcat approach. But anyway I need flowable-admin and flowable-idm, as I understand there’re no prepared wars, I need to create its by myself, right?

You can do both. The release zip has the WARs.
And you can build them yourself. (see the in the previous reply)



There’s a problem that flowable-admin.war doesn’t contain potgresql driver )

If you need a specific db driver that needs to be added to the class path. F.e. the Tomcat lib.
The build script for the all-in-one image includes the postgresql driver.