After upgrading to Flowable6 with Flowable5CompatibilityEnabled set to true and using SpringFlowable5CompatibilityHandlerFactory, we’re unable to start processes which call certain custom delegate expressions which used to work before.
When redeploying the same BPM, the instances running in v6 can resolve the delegate expression.
23:24:12.657 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] ERROR - Unhandled exception
org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableException: Unknown property used in expression: ${FixBooleanVariablesDelegate}
at org.flowable.compatibility.DefaultFlowable5CompatibilityHandler.handleActivitiException( ~[flowable-inuits-lib-6.4.2.jar:?]
at org.flowable.compatibility.DefaultFlowable5CompatibilityHandler.startProcessInstance( ~[flowable-inuits-lib-6.4.2.jar:?]
at org.flowable.engine.impl.util.ProcessInstanceHelper.createProcessInstance( ~[flowable-engine-]
Are we missing something or do we need to adjust some configurations?
Yes this is a spring bean, instantiated in (one of) our custom auto configurators:
@Bean(name = "FixBooleanVariablesDelegate")
FixBooleanVariablesDelegate fixBooleanVariablesDelegate() {
return new FixBooleanVariablesDelegate();
But what you are asking i actually what we were wondering: is there a dedicated v5 engine configuration? And if so, how do we set the ‘beans’ property in there?
If there is a separate v5 engine configuration, then that might actually be the issue
We only do following concerning v5:
if (enableV5Compatibility) {
configuration.setFlowable5CompatibilityHandlerFactory(new SpringFlowable5CompatibilityHandlerFactory());
We see there is a setFlowable6ProcessEngineConfiguration in the DefaultFlowable5CompatibilityHandler, but we’re not sure if this happens somewhere already or whether we should still do this
We will try to debug this.
Since the beans are copied, the problem could also reside in the fact that we are using multiple auto configuration classes from different libraries;
the one that enables the v5 engine is probably executed first, which could explain that the delegates added via the other configurator are not known in v5
we debugged this is the meanwhile and it appears that the beans collection is still empty at the moment the v5 engine is enabled, so nothing can be copied at that moment van v6 to v5. Even when we get the beans afterwards via the default engine configuration while running, getBeans() is still empty. Still the delegates work in v6
We did find out that the delegate expressions and beans do work in v5 if we manually set the required beans right before enabling the v5 engine
public EngineConfigurationConfigurer<SpringProcessEngineConfiguration> processEngineV5CompatibilityConfigurer() {
return configuration -> {"Flowable v5 compatibility enabled: {}", enableV5Compatibility);
// The beans declared below are not recognized by the SpringProcessEngineConfiguration.
// This is why the copy of the beans will not work if we do not set them manually.
Map<Object, Object> beans = new HashMap<>();
if(configuration != null && configuration.getBeans() != null) {
beans = configuration.getBeans();
beans.put("UpdateIndexDelegate", updateIndexDelegate());
beans.put("FixBooleanVariablesDelegate", fixBooleanVariablesDelegate());
if (enableV5Compatibility) {
configuration.setFlowable5CompatibilityHandlerFactory(new SpringFlowable5CompatibilityHandlerFactory());