Spring Boot Beans not found through Delegate Expression ServiceTasks after upgrade from 6.6.0 to 6.7.1

After upgrades to both Spring Boot as well as Flowable, Delegate Expressions are not resolved.
Spring Boot 2.5.6 with embedded Flowable 6.7.1 through the starters.
Hoping for some tips before i start dissecting this :slight_smile:

<serviceTask id="servicetask4" name="Call MyBean" activiti:delegateExpression="${myBean}">
        <activiti:field name="var1">
        <activiti:field name="var2">

doesn’t find bean “myBean” through DelegateExpressionUtil.
Exception thrown in JuelExpression:

throw new FlowableException("Unknown property used in expression: " + expressionText, pnfe);

Adding the bean manually in my customProcessEngineConfigurer resolves the issue.
Did something fundamental change?

What is the point of this?

if (springProcessEngineConfiguration.getBeans() == null) {