i am executing the example given by the doc.
i succesfully created a flow with flowable-modeler, then published it into flowable-task.
now i would like to fill in the form by using REST, so i have to use flowable-rest, but it doesn’t know the project created into flowable-modeler/flowable-task.
So my question : Why flowable-rest separated from flowable-task ?
The only way to import a project into flawable-rest is to send a “myFlow.zip” file by using http post ?
The Flowable engines are exposed by REST APIs.
These are provided in the Flowable Task UI app. But also seperately in the Flowable REST app.
In addition to the engine APIs the Flowable Task UI app has some specific endpoints.
The Flowable REST app can be used in a scenario where you ‘just’ want to run the engine(s) and expose the REST API(s). (f.e. without the UI apps)
What do you mean exactly by importing a project?
If you want to distribute artifacts between modeler instances you should use the ‘app’ export and import.
If you want to deploy to the engine(s) you can deploy single deployable artifacts; like BPMN process XMLs. Or package them in a ‘bar file’. (You can export an app as a bar file in the modeler’).
Deploying can be done by using the Java or the REST API.
What do you mean exactly by importing a project?>
=> i mean flowable doesn’t see the flow created in flowable-task, so i guess i have to give a “myFlow.bar” to flowable-rest.
For example, when i execute
curl --user kermit:kermit "http://localhost:8080/flowable-rest/Service/management/tables/ACT_RE_PROCDEF, the result is different from the content of the same table in the postgres database created by flowable-task.
Second question : if i test one of the end points given by the web page
localhost:8080/flowable-admin ,
i get nothing, for example :
curl -u admin:test -X GET -H “Content-Type:application/json” “http://localhost:8080/flowable-task/form-api” => gives “HTTP 404 - Not Found”
So i do not understand how to get a end point for flowable-task
Your example works fine, but in the doc i didn’t find the end points for a given form.
This web page
gives the list of forms created by me, with columns “ID”, “Name”, “Deployment ID”.
But i do not know how to build the end point with these informations !
for example
I think the answer is yes because flowable-admin and flowable-task are deployed on the same tomcat server, and flowable-admin gives the list of tasks coming from flowable-tasks.
The following url
gives the list of deployed tasks.
So, admin and task seem to communicate properly
The login:password i must use for
curl … localhost:8080/flowable-task/form-repository/form-definitions
is kermit:kermit or the one defined in flowable-idm ??
I think initial problem was, that out-of-the box WAR’s (Task/Modeler/REST webapps) are using their own h2 in-memory db instance, thus they won’t “see” each other’s data until changing h2 to shared file-based database!
I was struggling with the same issue.
Perhaps this should be changed in default configurations?