I am completely new to Flowable. Can someone explain a bit more (than the one sentence in Docker Hub) what each image does? Am I right in assuming flowable-task is the engine core, flowable-rest is an API gateway for flowable-task. I’m not sure what admin and idm do or if they are necessary? And, I presume modeler is a web-based process modeler?
Thanks! So, jst to be sure, the IDM and Task images would form a required core. The others are optional, but are the “human interfaces” into the core. How does the REST image fit in? Does the Modeler use the REST API?
Flowable IDM is a SSO app which the UI apps use.
Flowable Task is a example workflow UI app which uses / contains the Flowable Engines (and their APIs). It also exposes all Flowable REST APIs.
Flowable Modeler uses some REST APIs; f.e. to deploy the artifacts to an engine.
Flowable REST is a stand-alone app that exposes the Flowable Engines APIs.