We dont need flowable to retry executing our async jobs either in case of exceeding timeout or in case of exceptions.
So I was just trying out few things using a simple flow of service task --> timer --> service task.
When timer state is reached, flowable adds entry to ACT_RU_TIMER_JOB table.
And after the elapsed time a thread picks up the job and moves to, ACT_RU_JOB table.
I put a break point in my code to block it, and manually updated the reties=0 field in ACT_RU_JOB table and waited for 5 mins.
But still after 5 minutes, this job was picked by another thread.
My understanding was when retired =0, it should be moved to deadletter table.
I wish Flowable did not break links while releasing new versions. Open Source is no longer a valid link, and googling async_executor_configuration just doesn’t provide any valid result
asyncExecutorAsyncJobLockTimeInMillis (5 minutes)
The amount of time (in milliseconds) an async job is locked when acquired by the async executor. During this period of time, no other async executor will try to acquire and lock this job.