People & group filed in form

First Issue : I am using People and Group field in form but when i make them mandatory flowable backend gives me error even if i filled those two fields. When they are not mandatory than they are saved successfully and i can check the value by seeing the previous page from process tab in flowable-task.

Second Issue : Value of People and Group field is not propagated in the next form like other fields. Suppose i want to give a task to user whose value is filled in people field than i m not able to get the value using ${fieldId} but if i m using this for other field like text field than i m able to get the value, for people and group filed its not propagating.

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I am facing same problem on v6.5.0.

Below modification worked fine for me.

line159: flowable-engine-flowable-6.5.0/modules/flowable-form-engine/src/main/java/org/flowable/form/engine/impl/cmd/

                result = null;


                result = (String) formFieldValue;

Yes,it worked for me also.

Thanks @edo