My understanding is that all of that is enough to send a message to the queue, but instead either a process instance is finished, but there is no new message in the queue, or the process just breaks and gives the following error: org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableException : Could not find an outbound channel adapter for channel outboundCustomer.
What am I missing here ? How do I fix it, so it sends a message ? Also, is there a way to send a message directly to a queue bypassing any exchanges ?
My queue is now bound to the amq.topic exchange trough the key: outbound-key.
In its current state the process always finishes, but never actually sends a message.
I’m running it through Flowable Task. I have disabled rabbit in Task .properties file since I have it enabled in my flowable-spring-boot-application .yaml file. When I had rabbit enabled in both files, that always lead to one of them getting a timeout exception, so I assumed only the spring boot application needs it. Is this assumption wrong ?
I’ve also tried to make a process that is triggered by messages in my queue instead of sending them to it. The same spring boot application and UI apps configurations. And it works. So, it seems to me that rabbit configuration should be correct.
It only needs to be enabled on the Flowable-task side. If you have your own spring boot application, the Spring Boot rabbitmq classes on the classpath will make it kick in automatically.
So given the above - where does your process now run? In Flowable Task or in your Spring Boot application? Or both? I’m not sure I’m getting the full picture yet.
I have a spring boot application (where I have rabbit enabled through spring properties) with a flowable-spring-boot-starter dependency. Additionally, I have deployed 4 flowable UI applications(admin, task(where rabbit is disabled, since it always gets a timeout exception, if the spring boot app with enabled rabbit is running), idm, modeler) to Tomcat. My idea was that flowable will be running as a spring boot app, but I will use the UI apps to create, deploy and start processes (like the one I posted earlier).