Hello ,
I’m running flowable on container with kubernetes and we have more than one instance of flowable engine running , but we change the configuration of the connections pool from 100 to 600 of the postgres database machine and restart the database server then restart the flowable instances and have this strange behavior :
the new processes which started in the flowable engine inserted it’s data in the database correctly but there are not any process in the running state … all processes is freeze , but when restart the flowable engine one more time all processes is return back to running state and complete it’s tasks .
can you support me to figure what is the issue … to be avoided in the next time …
Hey @hatemali510,
What do you mean by “all processes freeze”. If you stop the database during the execution of the flowable processes, then Flowable won’t even commit that. It will fail executing them, since it can’t connect to the database.