I’m pretty new to Flowable, currently im studyin the migration from Activiti 6 to Flowable latest, so i have some questions to ask:
what are the major changes with Flowable (new features,bug fixes or performance improvements).
is there any cloud version of Flowable?
is Flowable support the process instance modification (at runtime)?
im doing some stress tests on both engines Activiti/Flowable, and i found that activiti presents less (huge difference) deadlocks than Flowable, is there any recommandations to apply on the database server (SQL server) ?
is there any script to apply in order to migrate the database scheme of Activiti to be used by Flowable engines?
According to this thread Migrate Activiti 6 to Flowable 6 latest , the migration should just work, but i got some exceptions related to the scheme, like : com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Invalid column name ‘DISPLAY_NAME_’. on table ACT_ID_USER
That’s a very broad question. I suggest you read our posts on https://blog.flowable.org/, as there are so many things (CMMN engine, async executor changes, variable aggregation, real parallism, and way way more).
No. What kind of cloud env are you thinking about? Modeling? Runtime?
Yes, there is a process instance migration API in Flowable (which wasn’t in Activiti).
It would be good if you can share those. In general, we’ve improved performance in many places. SQL server however, is very suspectible to deadlocks when missing a certain index. Adding an index, and often the deadlock is gone. So would be good if you can clarify.
Which version of Activiti are you migrating from? Invalid column name sounds very weird - sounds almost like SQL server rejects that particular column name …
the process instance migration feature enables you to migrate the instance from a version to another version of the model ? but im asking for moving the instance from a state to another state in the same model version. this is supported by Camunda “process instance modification”
-sorry can’t share benchmark for now.
for the scripts to migrate, i asked for migration from Activiti (as i mentioned in the title) and not from v5.
Very happy to get the respense from you.