First of all, thanks to all the team for building this nice tool.
I used to use activiti 5.22.0, and there were 2 capabilities that were not offered va the REST API, and would be useful for me : the acces, via the list, to the related ProcessInstance BusinessKey, and the access to the Task’s and/or ProcessInstance variables values.
I san that the later is now provided in Flowable 6.0.0 RC1, and this is already great for me (of course, this naturally comes at a timing cost, which is absolutely normal)
But, I think it would not be that hard to add the related ProcessInstance’s BusinessKey, ideally via an optional parameter “includeProcessInstanceBusinessKey”.
That would be nice to me… and maybe others ?
Regards, and huge thanks again,
Hi David,
Yes it would be easy to add the process instance business key to the Task instance object (Java API and REST API).
Could you create a Github issue for this, so we can keep track of it?
Best regards,
Just wanted to add thumb up for this request in hope it will make into 6.0.