What’s the recommended way to use REST to send a signal with a business key to Flowable?
I’m aware of https://www.flowable.org/docs/userguide/index.html#_signal_event_received but I don’t see any documentation related to business keys.
Do I submit the business key as a variable and then use a script task to convert the variable to business key? Or is there a better way?
I tried using a Script Task with Script Format Groovy to set the business key:
businessKey = execution.getVariable(“BK”);
println(“BK->” + execution.getBusinessKey() + “<-BK”);
The script produces results as expected with the business key getting set and retrieved.
However, I can’t see the business key in the instance in Flowable Admin http://localhost:9988/flowable-admin/#/process-instances
BTW, this is for 6.3.1.
Could somebody provide an example of how to do this?