I’m working on my first process with Flowable UI apps. I created a user task with a form to collect a couple details from the user, followed by a Mail task to send an email to someone. In the Mail task property Text, I put some static text and a couple references, ${name} and ${message}, to properties from the form. Running the process generates the following error in the Tomcat log:
11:38:30,816 [http-bio-8080-exec-8] ERROR org.flowable.rest.exception.BaseExceptionHandlerAdvice - Unhandled exception org.flowable.engine.common.api.FlowableException: Unknown property used in expression: Simple, plain text message. Nothing much to see here.
From = ${from}
Message = ${message}
at org.flowable.engine.common.impl.el.JuelExpression.getValue(JuelExpression.java:50)
What am I doing wrong?