i am getting classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml does not exist issue while upgrading flowable from 6.8.1.to 7.1.0 with spring boot 3.4.0
can you pls suggest
i am getting classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml does not exist issue while upgrading flowable from 6.8.1.to 7.1.0 with spring boot 3.4.0
can you pls suggest
Hey @Rajalakshmi,
Do you by any chance have Liquibase as a dependency?
Starting from Flowable 7.1 we removed Liquibase as a dependency and thus we removed the automatic disable of Spring Liquibase. If you still have liquibase then you should either remove the dependency or configure it properly.
The class you are using org.flowable.ui.modeler.serviceapi.ModelService
is from the Flowable Modeler application which together with the rest of the OSS UI applications, has been discontinued starting from Flowable 7.
Once again ,thanks for the quick reply, we have added the flowable modeler dependency 6.8.1 in code and using the modelService in code for DMN
is there any other solution like external jar to resolve this issue
You should not mix 6.x dependencies with 7.x dependencies.
What kind of use case do you have that you need the ModelService
We are dynamically deploying the DMN model from JSON through Java code, allowing users to view the DMN decision table in the Flowable UI (Modeler App → Decisions → Decision Table).
I would advise you to not use the Flowable UI and build your own representation of that and find another solution for dynamically updating without using the non-supported Flowable UI modules.