Flowable's REST API

A tutorial style post about working with Flowable’s REST API.

Great article, very intuitive, would save me a lot of time if I have read it a month ago :wink:

Flowable’s REST API - Part 2

How to use Angular, Angular Material and Flowable’s REST API to create a bespoke Task List component:


Flowable’s REST API - Part 3

How to use Angular, Angular Material and Flowable’s REST API to create a bespoke Task component:


Still can’t get form data right?

Still can’t get form data right?

What do you mean?

I didn’t see how you fetch task from in your angular project.

fetch task

Are you referring to GET runtime/tasks

  public getTasks(): Observable<TaskListModel>   {

    const endpoint = '/flowable-task/process-api/runtime/tasks'

    return this.httpClient.get<any>(endpoint, httpOptions)
        tap(() => {
          this.logger.info('TasksService: getTasks() completed');
        catchError(this.handleError('getTasks', []))


See: Flowable’s REST API - Part 2

No, not get task but get form, in https://github.com/flowable/flowable-engine/issues/1471 you discussed how to get a form instance of a task. But I didn’t see in your code. btw, I’m following your tutorial to build flowable from source, very helpful :slight_smile:

That’s correct, Serendipity CRM doesn’t use Flowable’s Form engine.

If a task has an associated form ( task.formKey ) it will rendered using Serendipity’s Dynamic Forms library.

See: Flowable’s REST API - Part 3

I see, you store the form data to firebase, that’s very clever.

I followed your instructions and have flowable 6.4.1snapshot running, but still can’t get form instance for completed task.

You can view completed tasks in the Flowable Task App, so I assume its using the form instance.

Thanks, the form api works, but not so perfect.