Flowable UI and Springboot Integration

I am using flowable and trying to integrate it with my springboot application (which is running on 3000) , right now every time I make any changes to my to my workflow, I have to download the xxx.bpmn20.xml file (from tomcat server running on 8080) and replace it with the existing one, is there any way so I don’t have to download and replace the file else I can make changes on my springboot port with UI and it automatically show changes in my xxx.bpmn20.xml file.

any way to integrate flowable UI with springboot application and run them under same tomcat server.



You can change the property flowable.modeler.app.deployment-api-url to point to the deployment url of the rest api, and then you should be able to deploy from the modeler directly to your springboot application (see the end of Flowable modeler application )