I have flowable deployed in a Tomcat instance, and everything is working ok, except for the flowable-rest app.
When I try to access it, after informing admin / test as the credentials, all I see is the following:
Do you have any idea what can be the cause of this message?
Thank you in advance
Yes, it worked with http://localhost:9080/flowable-rest/service/repository/deployments
Thank you.
But how about the Swagger UI? I remember I saw something like that before, but I have no idea what the address to access it would be.
Can you help me with that?
I am back to answer my own question.
What I found was https://github.com/flowable/flowable-engine/tree/master/docs/public-api/tools/flowable-swagger-ui
By packaging this project and deploying it into my tomcat server, I was able to get the information I need acessing http://localhost:9080/flowable-swagger-ui/
But, if there is anything easier to use, please, let me know.
Thank you @martin.grofcik for your attention.