Enable Rest End points

What all properties need to be enabled in the backend to work flowable-rest endpoints
basically in the Application properties what all needs to be enabled
when i start my application i get errors like
no static resource found
or 404


hey @kartik,

The flowable-rest application only exposes REST APIs. What are you trying to access that you get “no static resource found” or “404”?

i want to extract the ModalinstanceJson at runtime for that processDefinitionId

@kartik I’ve already answered this.

Which endpoint are you trying to access?

rest/admin/process-instances/historyInstanceId /history-model-json?processDefinitionId=
This endpoint i am trying reach out to this end point

That part I answered already in

So these configurations wont work anymore?

#rest config
#admin config

Those properties never worked for the flowable-rest application. They were for the Flowable UI Application. Those were 2 different independent applications.

From Flowable 7 there are no UI applications anymore. Only the Flowable REST application where the Flowable REST API is hosted.

So no those properties won’t work, to be honest, I don’t think that they were official Flowable properties as well.

so lets say i want to build a flowable UI just for my application and i want to display the current processInstance that are running
how should one achieve that?

You can use the Flowable REST APIs to get and display the data you want.

You can read more about the existing REST APIs at

we can also display the entire process diagram at runtime?
by this i mean show the diagram about which task the user is executing

You’ll need to build your own UI that can process the responses from the REST API. If you do that, then yes you would be able to display the diagram at runtime.