I placed a decision task on the canvas but when I selected decision table reference property, nothing comes up. It supposed to pop up a form to give me options whether to select existing decision table form or create a new one.
I understand the tutorial was meant for Activiti 6 Beta3. Is there any difference?
Am I missing something here.
It’s working for me on Chrome Version 56.0.2924.87 on Mac, and it would seem odd for it to be down to Win 10. If you Inspect the page (right-click menu) and look at the Network tab, does it show any errors?
Inspecting the page and turning off the caching might also set it working if something got cached.
I rebuilt the modeler and somehow managed to get it working. But one thing I discovered, publishing the application using a blank separated name e.g. “Order Application” would fail. When I removed the blank “OrderApplication” then the application published successfully. It seems odd that the modeler can’t accept blank separated name. Are you aware of this issue?
I just retested both your bug findings.
I cannot reproduce them.
Could you please see if you can provide some error / debug logs? (from the browser and / or java console)
Could you describe how and which Flowable apps you are running?