I would like to use the Flowable Modeler to design my models, and then programmatically read these models (from ACT_DE_MODEL table?) and deploy them (into ACT_RE_PROCDEF?).
I guess I can do this using “DeploymentBuilder.addBpmnModel()”, but I don’t know how to create a BpmnModel object from what I have in ACT_DE_MODEL.
The ACT_DE_MODEL has a JSON value of the model. You can use the BpmnJsonConverter from the flowable-json-converter module to transform the model JSON value to a BpmnModel. Then you can use the DeploymentBuilder addBpmnModel method to add it to the deployment.
So it is possible to use the model immediately after having created it into the modeler.
That is so nice !
I use flowable as embedded, i found the flowable-json-converter module in flowable-engine-master, But, how to include this module into a new java project ??
Is it possible to get flowable-json-converter as a jar ?