Custom user database for Authentication & Authorization


I am using FLOWABLE v6.1.1 And we will need to import users/roles from external custom database into FLOWABLE Engine to perform below operations.

  • Authentication
  • Authorization of user/role for accessing task
  • Perform Admin task

From the documentation I could see flowable supporting user authentication/authorization from internal database (BPMDB) and integration with LDAP.

Please can you explain me the steps to import user/role from external custom database

Much Appreciate your response


The Spring IDM application uses Spring Security under the hood. If you want to switch the authentication, you’d need to change the following Confiuguration class with your custom logic: (probably provide a custom Provider)

Thanks joram. I will try your recommendation.

Hi Joram,

Can you please provide more info. on this, we are not be to divert the IDM user/group data