Collapsed subprocess navigation in the web-based bpmn modeler

Hi all,

Thanks for your feedback.

update: im changing this post a bit frequent on what behavior I am encountering…

Current read rules:

  • if isExpanded attribute is not provided the java object value is null.
  • if isExpanded attribute is provided with value false the java object value is null.
  • if isExpanded attribute is provided with value true the java object value is true.

current write rules:

  • If the GraphicInfo isExpanded is false the attribute will be written with value false. (collapsed scenario).
  • If the GraphicInfo isExpanded is true the attribute will be written with value true.
  • if the graphicinfo isExpanded is null nothing will written.

I will adjust the code to save and load the isExpanded attribute to the following rules:

  • investigating atm :wink:

Best regards,

Hi all,

The end result can be viewed in this pull request. Collapsed subprocess by ddpardo · Pull Request #245 · flowable/flowable-engine · GitHub

The following changes where performed:

  • Large refactoring to the internal communication of angular ↔ oryx.

  • Added support for collapseable subprocess. (modeler & engine & converters updated)

  • Validation button is now available to validate your current model. Its also possible to navigate from an error to the element causing the error.

  • It is now possible to collapse the left panel containing the stensils.

  • The identifier to determine if a subprocess is collapsed is the following (isExpanded=false):

    <bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="sid-C20D5023-C2B9-4102-AA17-7F16E49E47C1" id="BPMNShape_sid-C20D5023-C2B9-4102-AA17-7F16E49E47C1" isExpanded="false">
        <omgdc:Bounds height="80.0" width="100.0" x="165.0" y="73.0"></omgdc:Bounds>

Known issues (flowable 5 branch, not tested on 6 yet):

  • If the user saves the model. The svg saved is the one currently shown to the user.
  • The images-generator & diagram-viewer don’t handle the collapseable subprocess isExpanded flag well These components are used in the vaadin-ui.
  • Eclipse plugin is not updated to support this.

Feedback is welcome. We are running it internal but our code base is a bit different than the flowable so some bugs might occur.

Best Regards.

please could anyone explain to me what collapsed mean in BPMN, i’m really confused.

If you refer to the formal BPMN specification:

On p. 171, a collapsed means the plus (+) symbol with no internal subprocess elements in view. Expanded means minus (-) symbol with view of internal elements on same page as parent process. If the subporcess is complex, it makes sense to only show a collapsed view and open the expanded view as a separate tab in the editor to reduce clutter.

thxs i’ve understand it now