I’m testing the trial version of the enterprise subscription of Flowable (v3.10.3), and I’m facing issues using the Script Task within a process.
I selected “JavaScript” for the Script format, and tried to run a simple script ( var test =1; ), but an error keeps occurring when I run the process on flowable work.
I get this error: " Can’t find scripting engine for ‘javascript’ "
This could be related to the java version that you are using.
I think Nashorn (the javascript engine in java) has been deprecated in later versions. https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/335
hello , I’m new at coding
I’m soo confused about these codes, I’m just put some wrong codes and it’s not working well , can you give me any tips for it
For everyone that does not understand how to solve this and why the problem is there. Starting from Java 15 the Javascript Nashorn engine has been removed from the JDK JEP 372: Remove the Nashorn JavaScript Engine.
Well, I rolled back to Java 11, it still fails. This was working last time I tested, and my script task has not changed, but apparently something has changed. The only thing I changed was to upgrade to java 17, at least that is what I thought. I do not see any errors in the log, so this becomes a black box to me. Is that a way to see what errors in my script task?