6.7.0: taskCandidateOrAssigned SQL error


I upgraded to 6.7.0 and now when I run


gives the following error

 ### The error may exist in org/flowable/task/service/db/mapping/entity/Task.xml
### The error may involve org.flowable.task.service.impl.persistence.entity.TaskEntityImpl.selectTaskByQueryCriteria-Inline
### The error occurred while setting parameters
### SQL: SELECT RES.*               from ACT_RU_TASK RES            WHERE  (RES.ASSIGNEE_ = ?               or (                                RES.ASSIGNEE_ is null and                                exists(select LINK.ID_ from ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK LINK where LINK.TASK_ID_ = RES.ID_                 and LINK.TYPE_ = 'candidate' and (LINK.USER_ID_ = ? or                                  ))))                order by RES.ID_ asc
### Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '))))

Not sure whether it is a bug ?

This is indeed a bug which has been fixed on main. Have a look at SQL exception with Task query after upgrade to 6.7.0 - #4 by filiphr for how you can change your API calll.

Fantastic…appreciated !