I want to flag tasks that are neither assigned, nor have candidate users, nor candidate groups.
I have been looking in into taskService.createTaskQuery()
but I don’t know how to query for this.
I am ready to resort to an ugly native query involving a join such that rows act_ru_task
have null assignee and where the task id does not appear in any row of act_ru_identitylink.task_id_
where the type is candidate
but I thought I would ask before going this ugly path in case I have missed something, or someone suggests a more elegant solution that leverages the higher taskService api. Thank you for a beautiful program.
What do you think about
.filter(task -> ((TaskEntityImpl) task).getIdentityLinkCount() == 0)
Also ugly but less than the sql based one 
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Thank you. Definitely more maintainable.
When using this approach I am concerned whether there are cases when id links of types other than candidate
(such as participant
or starter
) are associated with a task so the identity link count would not be zero even though there are no candidates.
I have seen those types of id links but only associated to process instances and process definitions, never to tasks, so maybe the case I am worried about is impossible.
@selkhlifi, thank yoo for your suggestion. I verified it, and only links of type candidate
appear associated to tasks so testing for id_link_count=0
indeed suffices. FWIW, I still ended up using a native query to avoid the postprocessing step, but it is a much cleaner query without join: "SELECT * FROM "+managementService.getTableName(Task.class) + " WHERE assignee_ IS NULL AND id_link_count_ = 0"