Hi ,
As per documentation we need to follow the below steps to register tenants :
config = new MultiSchemaMultiTenantProcessEngineConfiguration(tenantInfoHolder);
config.registerTenant(“tenant1”, createDataSource(“jdbc:h2:mem:flowable-tenant1;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=1000”, “sa”, “”));
config.registerTenant(“tenant2”, createDataSource(“jdbc:h2:mem:flowable-tenant2;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=1000”, “sa”, “”));
config.registerTenant(“tenantN”, createDataSource(“jdbc:h2:mem:flowable-tenantN;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=1000”, “sa”, “”));
processEngine = config.buildProcessEngine();
But the question is where to add these steps so that flowable engine should aware of the multitenancy ?
which class we need to add this in the engine ?