Multi-tenancy with springboot

I am new to Flowable and I have a springboot app in which I want to implement multi-tenancy where each tenant has its own db.
I have found some answers at the forum but some are old so I don’t know if they are still valid.
I’ve also checked flowable-engine/modules/flowable-engine/src/test/java/org/flowable/engine/test/cfg/multitenant/ at main · flowable/flowable-engine · GitHub and flowable-engine/modules/flowable-engine/src/main/java/org/flowable/engine/impl/cfg/multitenant/ at 9af12c0df51ef9cb29e1cd05a1fb015f1a80a021 · flowable/flowable-engine · GitHub
I am using flowable-spring-boot-starter dependency at my pom.xml and I saw here: Multi-Schema Process and Event Registry Engine Advice - #4 by chaserb that it’s not supported but it can be configured.
So, I have to add something like the following at my app?

    public ProcessEngineConfiguration processEngineConfiguration() {

        TenantInfoHolder tenantInfoHolder = new DummyTenantInfoHolder();
        MultiSchemaMultiTenantProcessEngineConfiguration config = new MultiSchemaMultiTenantProcessEngineConfiguration(tenantInfoHolder);

        // Other configurations, e.g async executor, idm, event registry

        //todo: get tenants from tenant configuration repository

        // Set up the data source for each tenant
        return config;

Is that enough? If the whole process engine configuration is overridden should I also configure other things?
Is there somewhere some documentation that I’m missing or some sample project?

Hey @desp.kaz,

You’ve created posts around the multi tenancy. Are the replies to Multitetancy with different database servers answering the questions you have here?

And indeed as you have seen from Multi-Schema Process and Event Registry Engine Advice - #4 by chaserb, we do not support the Multi Tenancy Process Engine Configuration with our Spring Boot starters. If you need something like that, then you’ll need to configure that on your own.


Hello @filiphr,
by configuration you mean something like the sample code that I have provided, right?

yes indeed. You’ll need to come up with a configuration like you’ve provided. I cannot say whether it is correct or not though and I’m not even sure that if you provide it like that it’ll work with the Spring Boot Starters.


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