Support for process definition development version

Hello Tijs,

I’m working for a long time with Activiti but, to be honest, I didn’t knew about the “category”. That is why I browsed the 6.0 documentation and found what you refer. Then I checked the 5.14 documentation and found that it contains the same definition and I realized that I forgot about the “category” and the reason is that back in Activiti 5.14 (and its predecessors) only the process’ “name”, “key”, and “description” attributes were available in the engine API (org.activiti.engine.impl.pvm.ReadOnlyProcessDefinition), i.e. back then the “category” was useless from our point of view.

It is very probable something to be overlooked, of course. Nevertheless we never used the “category”, although we considered it handy, just because we didn’t found a way to reach it programmatically.
