Start Conditional Event not able to trigger


Start Conditional Event not able to trigger v.6.5.0

Below is the flow diagram
a. Start Event -> Intermediate Condition Catching Event



a. At Runtime, UserTask0 is not activated
b. Condition ${1==1} is set in both Start and Intermediate condition event

Hey @suds,

You are using an intermediate condition catch event, which means that the process will stop there and wait for the condition to be evaluated. As far as I know conditions are not automatically evaluated. You’ll have to invoke RuntimeService#evaluateConditionalEvents to trigger the evaluation of the conditions.

If you need conditional events, perhaps you need to look at CMMN as well. We’ve recently posted some blog posts for introducing CMMN. Have a look at Introducing the Case Management Model and Notation Standard: CMMN, Introducing CMMN in Action: Part One and Introducing CMMN in Action: Part Two.


Thanks , I tried in BPMN via skip feature and its working fine but wanted the same to be implemented the behavior in CMMN. Let me try to add RuntimeService#evaluateConditionalEvents and test.

Thanks @filiphr. Its working. Can I make some suggestion for the improvement

  1. For BPMN Skip Tasks -> Can we have a checkout feature “Skip Enabled” in Flowable Modeler instead of creating variable " _ACTIVITI_SKIP_EXPRESSION_ENABLED " manually. This will avoid un necessary data generated in the HI_VARINST , RU_VARIABLE

  2. For CMMN - Condition based task creation -> Any similar check box feature “Evaluate Conditional Events” in Flowable Modeler that will help to avoid writing this additional line of code

Hi , what is the solution please , i have already
but its does not working

Have you added below variable in process?