Signal Event not working when we are trying to catch using delegateExpression

Hi team , i am facing some problem in signal logic . i have tried below steps . but signal not working .
Kindly guide me what i have done in wrong in this bpmn file

  1. create the subprocess and call service task
  2. The service has send signal using method " runtimeService.signalEventReceived(signal.getEventKey(), variables);"
  3. The same signal catch the next level using delegateExpression . but that one not working

BPMN File :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<signal id="signalCreditCheck" name="TASK_DONE(CREDIT_CHECK)" />

<process id="OrderServiceProcess" name="The Order Task Service Process">
    <startEvent id="theStart"/>
    <sequenceFlow id="flow0" sourceRef="theStart" targetRef="subProcess"/>
    <subProcess id="subProcess">
        <startEvent id="theStartSubProcess" >

        <sequenceFlow id="sequence_fork_flow" sourceRef="theStartSubProcess" targetRef="service_fork"/>
        <parallelGateway id="service_fork" />
        <sequenceFlow id="sequence_all_task_flow" sourceRef="service_fork" targetRef="allTasks"/>
        <serviceTask id="allTasks"
                     name="Evaluate Required Tasks ( ALL )"
        <sequenceFlow id="sequence_all_document_flow" sourceRef="allTasks" targetRef="allDocuments"/>
        <serviceTask id="allDocuments"
                     name="Evaluate Required Documents ( ALL )"

        <intermediateCatchEvent id="catchSignalCreditCheck" name="TASK_DONE(CREDIT_CHECK)">
            <!-- signal event definition -->
            <signalEventDefinition signalRef="signalCreditCheck"
        <sequenceFlow id="sequence_credit_check_excluse_flow" sourceRef="catchSignalCreditCheck" targetRef="credit_check_yes_or_no_exclusive"/>
        <!-- <sequenceFlow id="sequence_credit_check_excluse_flow" sourceRef="allDocuments" targetRef="credit_check_yes_or_no_exclusive"/> -->
        <exclusiveGateway id="credit_check_yes_or_no_exclusive"></exclusiveGateway>

        <sequenceFlow id="sequence_credit_check_no_flow" sourceRef="credit_check_yes_or_no_exclusive" targetRef="theEndCreditCheckNo">
            <conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression"><![CDATA[${isCreditCheck == 'N'}]]></conditionExpression>
        <endEvent id="theEndCreditCheckNo"/>

Hey @poongunran,

It is not working for you because you are sending a global signal. You need to use runtimeService.signalEventReceived(signal.getEventKey(), executionId, variables) to send the signal to the execution with the id executionId.


@filiphr : Thanks for the input . it’s work fine now .

Hi @filiphr : i am facing one more problem . The error is " was updated by another transaction concurrently"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> PT40S PT2S

Actually , i have process this BPMN file 5 times with different input variables . i got this error in “billing_timer” section

Hey @poongunran,

I think it would be better if you create a different post for your other problem. The error you are getting is a normal behavior when you have things running in parallel and trying to change the same thing from different transactions. You need to make sure that you are modeling this properly.
