Rest API's flow

I have built a bpmn20.xml file which is imported properly through the UI. But when I try to deploy the same using the Rest API, it throws me an error saying [cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: ‘29ABBED5-4C66-4E46-9373-6D08195711CB’ is not a valid value for ‘NCName’]. I tried calling the deployment endpoint with the bpmn20.xml file downloaded from flowable which also fails with the same error. Can someone please guide me how to solve this issue.

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how exactly are you deploying the BPMN xml?
Can you show the request (and the response)?


hello Yvo,
I am trying to call it through postman and you can see the below picture for reference. A simple bpmn20.xml file with only one node was successfully deployed. But the same method does not work for other files.

Can you share the file?
