Release frequency & future upgrade transition


We are using open source flowable 6 for our projects and I would like to understand more on the following topics, if possible, as I have not been able to gather much information regarding it:

  1. Based on the product roadmap, we observed it’s has been stabilising at around 6 months for 1 release from v6.4.0 onward, may I check if this will be the estimated frequency for future release moving forward?

  2. Support for upgrade transition (mainly on the period of support the previous version will enjoy when there’s a major upgrade before its officially EOS/EOL, e.g v6 to v7 in the future).

Would the team be able to advise further on the above 2 points?

Thank you!!


We don’t have a fixed schedule for the community releases, so it can vary. We do try and avoid code sitting waiting for too long, so expecting a release every 6 months is a reasonable assumption currently.

When it comes to “support”, we try really hard to ensure as easy migration as possible, even for major architectural releases - if you look at how you can migrate from v5 to v6, you can see this. With the open source version, there’s no real concept of EOL as there’s no formal commitment on support, with the focus always on the next release. With the enterprise offerings, there’s formal support terms including SLAs and EOL

Are you looking for formal enterprise support?


Hi Paul,

Thank you for your quick response.

Formal enterprise support is certainly part of our consideration.

Would you be able to share what are the standard offering for enterprise support?

Thank you.


Chun Yang

Hi Chun Yang,

We’ll get in contact directly.

Best regards,