Question : Why in flowable use different module wise database ? can i use all module in one database or any specific reason is there?

I have a question about database usage.

I have extract war file in my server and going to change database property but I see new things which are for all database have different connection URL for a different module. like in flowable admin for SQL server URL is localhost:1433;databaseName=flowableadmin and second for a flowable-task module is URL is localhost:1433;databaseName=flowabletask and application URL as per module wise.

But for MYSQL server only one database URL which is : localhost:3306/flowable?characterEncoding=UTF-8.

Questions :

  1. Is that any reason for using different module wise databases or use only one database.
  2. is that any conflict for use same and different database.

In properties files anything with a # in front of it is a comment, so all but one of the database configurations in flowable-admin’s is there as an example. The flowable UI apps are spring boot applications, so they use a standard auto-configured datasouce using the spring.datasource.* properties. The only one enabled by default is the H2 datasouce storing its data in ~/flowable-db/. If you want to use a different database, you’ll need to supply the driver and change the appropriate properties.

I hope this answered your questions, please write back if there’s something I missed.

Thank @wwitt for replay you right and I understand as per above comment but my main point is you see in the above image MySQL database point only one database which is flowable and this is same in all application like a task, admin, modeler, etc. but why for other databases has specific database like in above image contain flowable admin property file so in this file for MS SQL server you use flowableadmin and in other modules like task in task property file you use flowabletask as database and just like this in other modules.

So that is my questions:

  1. Is that any reason for using different module wise databases or use only one database.
  2. is that any conflict for use same and different database.

because I want to use other databases, not MySQL.