I have downloaded flowable-admin.war,flowable-idm.war,flowable-modeler.war,flowable-rest.war and flowable-task. All these files has been deployed and I have change flowable-ui-app.properties files to point to MySQL database. Also I have change db.properties for flowable-rest.
When I use flowable-rest , I notice it is still points to H2 database.
Can you assist me on this ?
Can you provide a bit more details about what you exactly changed in the db.properties of the Flowable REST app? Where do you see it’s still pointing to the H2 database?
After change this and run tomcat, I notice in tomcat logs still referring to H2 database
08:54:54,240 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource - HikariPool-1 - Started.
08:54:54,678 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase - HikariPool-1 - Driver does not support get/set network timeout for connections. (org.h2.jdbc.JdbcConnection.getNetworkTimeout()I)
08:54:55,839 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO org.flowable.engine.impl.cfg.ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl - Executing configure() of class org.flowable.spring.configurator.SpringIdmEngineConfigurator (priority:10000)
08:54:56,336 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO org.flowable.idm.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession - performing create on identity with resource org/flowable/idm/db/create/flowable.h2.create.identity.sql
08:54:56,353 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO org.flowable.idm.engine.impl.IdmEngineImpl - IdmEngine default created
08:54:56,356 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO org.flowable.engine.impl.cfg.ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl - Executing configure() of class org.flowable.form.spring.configurator.SpringFormEngineConfigurator (priority:10000)
INFO 2/23/17 8:54 PM:liquibase: Successfully acquired change log lock
In my situation, we need to run the flowable-rest together with flowable-idm only in the tomcat instance.
Our external application will only use REST to call flowable-rest
Hi Josh,
I am facing the same problem as you, as i can see in comments, you created one more db.properties for mysql, but I am not doing this. I am editing the original db.properties removing h2 configurations and changing it to point to mysql just like you have mentioned. So when I run tomcat again after making changes, and hit the rest api : GET localhost:8080/flowable-rest/service/runtime/tasks , it gives 404. Could you help.
I need to use flowable-rest and flowable-ui together so i am also changing flowable-ui-app.properties file to point to mysql, but after i run tomcat again, it changes back to h2 . Could you please help
I am facing the same problem as Josh, as i can see in comments, he created one more db.properties for mysql, but I am not doing this. I am editing the original db.properties removing h2 configurations and changing it to point to mysql :
. So when I run tomcat again after making changes, and hit the rest api : GET localhost:8080/flowable-rest/service/runtime/tasks , it gives 404. Could you help.
I need to use flowable-rest and flowable-ui together so i am also changing flowable-ui-app.properties file to point to mysql, but after i run tomcat again, it changes back to h2 . Could you please help
I am facing the same problem as Josh, as i can see in comments, he created one more db.properties for mysql, but I am not doing this. I am editing the original db.properties removing h2 configurations and changing it to point to mysql :
. So when I run tomcat again after making changes, and hit the rest api : GET localhost:8080/flowable-rest/service/runtime/tasks , it gives 404. Could you help.
I need to use flowable-rest and flowable-ui together so i am also changing flowable-ui-app.properties file to point to mysql, but after i run tomcat again, it changes back to h2 . Could you please help
But it’s easier to copy the flowable-ui-app.properties file from one of the apps or get it from Github, and put it in the Tomcat lib folder. The UI applications will first look at a flowable-ui-app.properties file available on the classpath directly and this configuration will have precedence over the configuration file in the WAR.
where exactly i should put the flowable-ui-app.properties file instead of modifying the one existing at location : flowable-task/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF
Hi Pascal
thanks for reply , i tried the changes you suggested, but all of a sudden i am facing a very strange issue. When i am trying to login on flowable UI - http://localhost:8080/flowable-task with credentials as specified in doc : https://paulhh.wordpress.com/2017/01/31/flowable-6-instant-gratification/ as:
uid : admin
pass : test
this credential is also mentioned in flowable-ui-app.properties file, its saying invalid credentials . It was working till afternoon all of a sudden its giving this issue. Could you help
Check the ACT_ID_USER table of your mysql database.
Check that it has this entry: ACT_ID_USER (ID_,REV_,FIRST_,LAST_,EMAIL_,PWD_,PICTURE_ID_) values ('admin','1','Test','Administrator','admin@flowable.org','test',null);
Hi Pascal ,
Thanks for the help issue got resolved after i removed the flowable-ui-app.properties from tomcat/lib and just changed in apache-tomcat-8.0.12\webapps\flowable-task\WEB-INF\classes\META-INF\flowable-ui-app .Along with it , i added mysql-connector jar in tomcat/lib and web-inf/lib. I think placing jar in either of two can work but to be safe i added at both places. Working as desired now