oh no - those deadlocks - oh no - damned you, microsoft ! Anyone with some experiences on deadlocks on SELECT statements with Microsoft SqlServer?
Admittedly, we are a bit behind: Still using activiti 5.21 ; and we are not even using the new ASyncExecutor introduced in 5.17 (which is described as being more database friendly)
Symptoms: We have occasional deadlock exceptions on the
org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.ExecutionEntityManager.findProcessInstanceAndVariablesByQueryCriteria class.
We have quite a lot of interaction with an external system that often needs to know/check if there are certain process running - which explains why there are so many queries at the same time.
Some googl’ing around has led me to believe that I will do as described in the Camundo docs and enable READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT and ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION and see if it improves things, probably at the cost of some higher resource usage. (see this link: http://stage.docs.camunda.org/manual/7.3/guides/user-guide/#process-engine-database-configuration-custom-configuration-for-microsoft-sql-server
But if anyone has some experience to share, that would be welcome. Besides upgrading to flowable 6 or migrating to Oracle, that is…