Mocking a service with flowable:type="dmn"

Hi everyone,

I’m building an application with Springboot and Flowable 6.7.2 and I want to write tests (Junit 5) for my bpmn process defined with a .bpmn20.xml file.

Inside this file I have defined a service which uses a dmn table like so:

<serviceTask id="someId" name="someName" flowable:type="dmn">
                <flowable:field name="decisionTableReferenceKey">

I don’t want to execute the table when I’m testing the bpmn20.xml process. How would I go about mocking the dmn table/the output of the dmn table?


Hey @bzheng,

We currently do not provide mocking for DMN executions.

Why don’t you want to execute the DMN table?
