Merge two jsonnode (Process editor merge my custom.JSON


i m traying to merge my custom Json editor with stencilset_bpmn.json and stencilset_cmmn.json. on the result i cant show my custom.json on page.(pic1)
1- Added new json folder …flowable-engine\modules\flowable-ui-modeler\flowable-ui-modeler-logic\src\main\resources\custom_stencilset_webapp.json
2- chance, flowable-engine\modules\flowable-ui-modeler\flowable-ui-modeler-rest\src\main\java\org\flowable\ui\modeler\rest\app\
public class StencilSetResource {

private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StencilSetResource.class);

protected ObjectMapper objectMapper;

@RequestMapping(value = "/rest/stencil-sets/editor", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json")
public JsonNode getStencilSetForEditor() {
	try {
		JsonNode stencilNode = objectMapper
		_JsonNode robusta = objectMapper.readTree(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("stencilset_cmmn.json"));_
		return merge(stencilNode, robusta);
	} catch (Exception e) {
		LOGGER.error("Error reading bpmn stencil set json", e);
		throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error reading bpmn stencil set json");

@RequestMapping(value = "/rest/stencil-sets/cmmneditor", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json")
public JsonNode getCmmnStencilSetForEditor() {
	try {
		JsonNode stencilNode = objectMapper
		JsonNode robusta = objectMapper
		return merge(stencilNode, robusta);
	} catch (Exception e) {
		LOGGER.error("Error reading bpmn stencil set json", e);
		throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error reading bpmn stencil set json");

public static JsonNode merge(JsonNode mainNode, JsonNode updateNode) {
Iterator<String> fieldNames = updateNode.fieldNames();

while (fieldNames.hasNext()) {
    String updatedFieldName =;
    JsonNode valueToBeUpdated = mainNode.get(updatedFieldName);
    JsonNode updatedValue = updateNode.get(updatedFieldName);

    // If the node is an @ArrayNode
    if (valueToBeUpdated != null && valueToBeUpdated.isArray() && 
        updatedValue.isArray()) {
        // running a loop for all elements of the updated ArrayNode
        for (int i = 0; i < updatedValue.size(); i++) {
            JsonNode updatedChildNode = updatedValue.get(i);
            // Create a new Node in the node that should be updated, if there was no corresponding node in it
            // Use-case - where the updateNode will have a new element in its Array
            if (valueToBeUpdated.size() <= i) {
                ((ArrayNode) valueToBeUpdated).add(updatedChildNode);
            // getting reference for the node to be updated
            JsonNode childNodeToBeUpdated = valueToBeUpdated.get(i);
            merge(childNodeToBeUpdated, updatedChildNode);
    // if the Node is an @ObjectNode
    } else if (valueToBeUpdated != null && valueToBeUpdated.isObject()) {
        merge(valueToBeUpdated, updatedValue);
    } else {
        if (mainNode instanceof ObjectNode) {
            ((ObjectNode) mainNode).replace(updatedFieldName, updatedValue);
return mainNode;

after I’ve tried merge stencilset_bpmn.json and stencilset_cmmn.json. all merge object come to application but not working(pic 2)

Q1. how can i merge my custom.json and bmpn or cmmn.json? Where should I change?
Q2. which class i have to chance for work all new object?

Thank you

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