Localization of user task texts

Hi Tijs,
cool feature I was trying this and got it working, but only with one additional locale :frowning:
I was basically extending the bpmn model by adding a second localization tag (see below). The behavior is that only the first locale is accepted, but the second is not being recognized by the deployment.
Looking at the class “BpmnDeployer”, it seems that after the first occurrence, additional locales are skipped.
Could you confirm?
Best regards,

<userTask id="usertask1" name="Original Hello World">
  <documentation>This is the Original Hello World user task for ${name}</documentation>
		<activiti:localization locale="de" name="Hallo Welt">
			<activiti:documentation>Das ist die Hallo Welt Aufgabe für ${name}</activiti:documentation>

	  	<activiti:localization locale="en" name="Hello World">
			<activiti:documentation>This is the Hello World user task for ${name}</activiti:documentation>