Migrate to Flowable from Activiti - BpmParseHandler

I’m migrating an old activiti app to Flowable. I’m having trouble with some code we had to attach create/complete/cancel listeners to user tasks. I could not find any examples on how to migrate this code. Any help would be appreciated.

Simplified example below:

public class HumanTaskParseHandler implements BpmnParseHandler{
 private IHumanTaskCreateListener listener;

  public Collection<Class<? extends BaseElement>> getHandledTypes()
    return Lists.<Class<? extends BaseElement>>newArrayList(UserTask.class);

  public void parse(BpmnParse bpmnParse, BaseElement element)
    String taskDefinitionKey = element.getId();
    TaskDefinition taskDefinition =
    taskDefinition.addTaskListener(TaskListener.EVENTNAME_CREATE, listener);