I used the Default Administrator Account configured at flowable-default.properties to login into flowable application. The error message was Invalid credentials seen below the password. There wasn’t any exception thrown in the log so i assumed that my ldap configurations were correct. I also added log4j.logger.org.flowable.ldap=DEBUG in the log4j.properties. Can anyone help?
How have you configured the LDAP integration? The credentials in the flowable-default.properties
are for the normal IDM based security. If you are configuring an LDAP then it won’t work with those credentials, as it would go to your LDAP.
In flowable-default.properties
LDAP configuration
Default Administrator Account I’m using this credentials to login into flowable application
I think I don’t understand how it works yet. So the default administrator account properties cannot be used when LDAP is enabled? Then where do I look for the credentials to log in.
If you enable LDAP integration then the authentication will look into LDAP. The default admin account won’t be used. You would need to use one of the users that you have in your LDAP
Hi filiphr,
Thanks for clarifying how Flowable application authenticate with LDAP. I’m unsure about whether Flowable stores LDAP users into flowable database, and how Flowable will assign privileges to the users. I’m logging in for the first time.
I have also tried to login into Flowable application using username and password configured for the LDAP, I am getting
angular.js:9827 POST http://localhost:8080/flowable-idm/app/authentication 401 ()
I integrated LDAP sometime ago. Flowable doesn’t store users or groups from LDAP to local db. It validates everything runtime with LDAP server.
Refer to this post : Clicking a specific group in flowable-idm does not return users
and lookout for some other LDAP posts on forum. You will get most of your issues resolved except for few.
Thank You,
Arpit Agrawal